Jaded No More
Jaded: made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit

Welcome to Jaded No More

Why Jaded No More?? I lived life so jaded and hardened due to my past choices, the past hurts that were caused to me and some by me, and the labels that were thrown on me – by others and some by my own words. When I worked through all of that and let God truly start shaping my identity, I realized I was not jaded anymore. That God had chosen me. That he had pulled me from the darkest corners of my world. That He had a plan for me and that, even though I was terrified (because I had no idea how to live this life He was calling me to and as the new me), He has me – every step of the way.

I have called you back from the ends of the earth,
saying, ‘You are my servant.’
For I have chosen you and will not throw you away.
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:9-10

I pray that Jaded No More becomes an organization and cry of people who break off chains of their pasts and tear off the labels the world has created for them. That people can proudly stand and say, “I am Jaded No More. I know my true identity in Christ and I will walk in His ways.” I pray that as you read through the blogs, the books, and listen to the podcasts, that you feel empowered to take another step into the identity God has created just for you.

  • If you are looking for laughter, inspiration, encouragement, an understanding ear, to cry, to feel like “someone else gets it…” You probably have come to the right place.

  • If you are married and looking for ways to have a God honoring marriage…through everything the world throws at you, through kids (of all ages and stages), with a past marriage, with blending a family… we get it and will walk along side you in that.

  • If you are a mom (or stepmom, adopted mom, foster mom) of too many kids or maybe just one kid… stressed…love your life… I get it.

  • If you are a TEEN who has messed up and feel like there is no hope or your a screw up… I get it. I believe in you. I know things look so bad now, but know…there is hope.

  • If you feel like you can’t ever become what you’re suppose to become… I get it.

  • If you are in ministry or being called to ministry and you feel unqualified…I get it.

Life has a way of making us feel very jaded to what we are actually capable of and who we really are. I am here to learn, cry, laugh, vent, minister with you. Because isn’t that what we are all called to do??? Do life with one another? Care for one another?

Read on and you will find some very real blogs about life. No sugar-coating things here. Just me.. the nitty-gritty real messed up me. I went through life so jaded by my past…until…

Now You get me. The woman who is utterly in love with Jesus and knows how bright and colorful (I didn’t say easy) life with Him makes it.

If YOU would like to share YOUR story and how you were jaded but are JADED NO MORE.
Please contact me and I would love to help tell your story!